Summer, simit and some thoughts

We’re on vacation! Last weekend my girlfriend Janine and I left for Turkey to go to Istanbul and after a couple of days we went on to Bodrum to visit her grandma. So far, I had a really good trip. It’s finally summer. We had a pretty cold and rainy May in Munich. I’m so happy to see a blue sky everyday and feel the sun on my skin.

This year marks the third time I go to Turkey with Janine, and for the first time we went to Istanbul together. What a beautiful city! I’ve been there before once for a video shoot – but as my brain was in the old Seppi’s work mode only, I barely could remember anything about the city. We walked around a lot, she showed me her favourite places and I got to eat one of my favourite Turkish Foods everyday: Simit. Back home I’m quite the fan of a Bavarian Pretzel, so to have an equivalent here that I can eat at any given time of the day – perfect! Because of my love for Simit, Janine gave me the nickname SimitSeppi.

Apart from delicious dinners with awesome views over the city, as usual I reflected a lot. This always happens when my life is a bit different. Whenever I travel, I think about a lot of “new” aspects in my life. How I treat myself, how I treat my body, how I work. Four years ago there were constant travels and lots of praise for me. A year later it’s been time to pay the price for all the glory and my mind took over. Thank to many therapy sessions and a lot of hard work I became a new, healthy and happy version of myself.

Now that I found more peace I also want to find more stability and long term plans that I can chase. I debated a lot on how important self-fulfillment is, if it’s okay to say yes to “less creative/fulfilling” jobs that come with more stability. And then chase creativity in my other outlets such as painting and drawing.

I have come to the conclusion that it is a mixture of both sides for me. After all, I have to earn money with what I do so that I can finance my life and live my dreams. There is no shame in accepting jobs that pay good but aren’t necessarily super creative. On the other hand, I thrive when my creative brain is on. So I need that as well. But in order to have a good balance, I have to also put in some work. Sleep well, eat healthy, work out, write, paint, meditate – you name it, I do it.

Of course I would love to always to creative stuff and make some good money. But that’s not how the world works. So I try to balance it well and besides sometimes working jobs that don’t always fulfill me, I do other things for that part of my brain – as I said write, paint, and so on.

I feel like we’re told a lot by social media etc. that we should always love our jobs and be happy and find fulfillment everyday – now this seems like a lot of pressure for me. How do you feel about this struggle? Do you love your job every single day? If not, what makes you happy in your free time? I would love to know what you think.

Sending you love from the beautiful city of Bodrum


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