Time to be back.

Time to be back on this platform.

I do have to say, that I’ve missed writing on a daily basis. It clears my mind, and so often looking back on a blog it’s such a great reminder of what happened. By the way – how is everyone doing? I guess, it will take some time until someone will read up on this blog again, but it’s time to start. And I’m so excited!

To explain why, and at the same why I haven’t been blogging for more than a year.
Lets start with why I haven’t.

Mostly: time. Plus a little lack of motivation. Plus I didn’t like the blog design anymore. Plus I’ve been working on a many other platforms or formats such as vlog / podcast / whatever. Plus internet connection has been sucking at home for aaages.

Plus – I’ve been living the shit out of my life. Seriously. It’s been FUN! 😉 Starting to blog now, doesn’t mean I’m not living 110% anymore. I just want to share my story again, I got the motivation again, and now that I think life is more interesting than ever before I guess it’s about time to do so.

I took advantage of the fact that I’m injured right now, set up a completely new blog, with a completely new design – which makes it even more fun to create content for a page. I got rid of most of my already existing blog content, as I wanted to have a blog system from now on, that works on its own. The reason for that: Portfolio + Blog within the same system have never been a good choice for me so far.

Well, that’s it for today. Just wanted to jump in and say hi! From now on I’m gonna try my very best, to give you updates, inspiration and whatever it is, that keeps me going on an everyday base at 3 pm!

Off to my physio to get some knee workout done!